As a result of the mill closure, in an effort to support the health and well-being of our community, The United Way and Mountain Projects, Inc., have partnered to reimburse health insurance premiums for displaced workers and ancillary workers and their affected family members. Healthcare premium reimbursements are available for up to $500 per employee and family member from August through December 2023.
Who is eligible?
Displaced workers, spouses, and dependents, or displaced workers of ancillary companies, suppliers of the Mill, and small businesses that lost health insurance due to mill closure.
What funds are available?
Up to $500 per household member per month from August until December
Documentation needed to accompany your application:
Please fill out the application linked above AFTER you pay your August premiums and email it to Mountain Projects at milltown@mountainprojects along with the required documents of proof listed below. Two documents are needed.
- PROOF OF EMPLOYMENT: The front page of the separation letter, or warn notice, a COBRA letter (first page)
- PROOF OF PAYMENT: Electronic confirmation of payment of COBRA, the perforated copy of a certified check bank statement, certified mail return signature.
* Proof documents will be due by the first of the month, every month.
If you have any questions please contact Jan Plummer at 828-492-4111 or set up an appointment for an information session with Mountain Projects to learn more about this program.
* Funds received from this grant award are NOT taxable.